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WANTED! Castors and Glands


Beaver Castor –

Northern tan colored castor dried enough to make lure - $65.00/pound straight through as long as it is a normal run. No grading if the run is intact and the full castors are included.

Southern castor or darker northern castor dried enough to make lure - $60.00/pound straight through as long as it is a normal run. No grading if the run in intact and the full castors are included.

We will gladly take wet castor and dry it to our specs. This is the best way in net total dollars for you to sell. If you dry them at home and then ship and they leak, we need to dry them again you will end up with less overall net weight. Many trappers just dry it a day or two to get rid of the very excess water to make it easier to ship. We will hang the castors for 3-4 days at very cool temperatures with large fans to dry them to our lure making specs. There will be some shrinkage due to liquid loss but not a lot as we don’t want very dry castor for our use. Please send the castors in a container with a screw top or snap on lid that is secure. Please do not send them in bags. Bags tend to leak and if they are frozen the box becomes saturated as they un-thaw and you risk having your castors thrown away by the carrier. Please make sure that all fat, meat, and red membrane are removed from your castor. Please send them on a Monday or Tuesday so they aren’t sitting in a depot over the weekend.

Skunk Essence - $16.00 an ounce or possibly more for large quantities. The best way to ship the essence is to put it into a small mouth container and tape the lid. If you can, pack that bottle into another container surrounded by dirt, cat litter, or wood shavings to mask the odor.

Coyote Glands - $120.00 per gallon - $30.00 per quart. Please send the glands in a container with a screw top. Do not send them in bags. Bags tend to leak and if they are frozen the box becomes saturated as they un-thaw and you risk having your glands thrown away by the carrier. Please be sure that very minimal, if any, fur is attached to the glands. It is very time consuming for us to remove fur at grinding time. Having to clean glands on our end decreases the price that we can pay. As with all glands, please send them on a Monday or Tuesday so they aren’t sitting in a depot over the weekend

Red Fox Glands - $150.00 per gallon - $37.50 per quart. Please send the glands in a container with a screw top. Do not send them in bags.

Bobcat Glands - $175.00 per gallon - $43.75 per quart. Please send the glands in a container with a screw top. Do not send them in bags.

Muskrat Glands - $40.00 per pint. These need to be fresh and frozen. Not salted. Please send the glands in a container with a screw top. Do not send them in bags.


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